Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
Today I went to my 20 week appointment and my midwife found the baby's heartbeat in a moments time. It sounded so strong and perfect. I am feeling the baby move everyday now, it is just so amazing and becoming more and more real that there really is a little one in there. On Friday I will go for my sonogram and hopefully find out if it is a boy or girl.
Posted by
5:02 PM
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Back to School
So it is back to school tomorrow after a nice long break that didn't seem as much like a break as it should have. It started with a terrible stomach bug that landed me in the hospital for IV fluids. Once that passed Christmas was upon us. We went to my in-laws first and then on to my parent's house to celebrate. There were two days of down time and then I headed off to Vermont with my mom to visit our family. It was so wonderful to meet my new cousin baby Jack and receive valuable advice on motherhood from my cousin Sarah.
We got home late on Thursday and I have been enjoying these last few relaxing moments. I snuck into my classroom on Friday and got organized. It felt like ages since I had been there so the time spent though brief gave me a great peace of mind. I am a little nervous about going back to school because it seems like every little thing makes me tired. I will just have to force myself to sit if I have to. I am also hopeful that the nausea phase might be behind me. The trick is not to let myself get too hungry, eat little snacks throughout the day. I am so excited to be feeling what must be the baby moving in there. Every once in a while, often right before I fall asleep, I feel the smallest fluttering or buzzing sensation in there. It is so comforting. I am in love already.
Posted by
7:28 AM
Thursday, November 27, 2008
So Thankful...
This year I couldn't be more thankful for Thanksgiving. I am finally pregnant and after traveling down a road that I did not think would lead me here I am so happy. The baby is due in June and I am at the end of the first trimester. I feel great.
Posted by
5:44 AM
Monday, June 30, 2008
Rocking Chair
I came across this poem on a fertility website I frequent and it made me all teary, but it expresses my sentiments exactly. It was written by a girl named Carrie.
Rocking Chair
there's an empty room just down the hall
with a door that's locked up tight
that one day will be filled with love
when the time is right
for now that room has no rug
no crib or drapes you'll see
but in the corner is a rocking chair
sat upon by only me
it's in this chair, as i rock,
that i let my dreams come true
and color schemes drift through my mind
in shades of pink and blue
i wonder what it will be like
to hold you in my arms
and make the promise, as mother's do,
to keep you safe from harm
how longingly i've wished for you,
your smile and baby scent
i know you are my destiny
my own angel, heaven sent
but for now it's just me
and a teddy bear, it seems
but i promise i will wait for you
in my rocking chair of dreams...
Posted by
7:21 AM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Doin' the happy dance...
Brad Paisley touched my hand last night... I am a happy girl!
Joining his fan club was one of the smartest moves I ever made. He saves the best seats for the members so we were in the second row seats 3 and 4 from the stage. Everyone worked their way to the front though, so I did too. Great show... I'm still on cloud nine.
Posted by
6:47 AM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Lately I feel like I am drowning in acronyms. I have had about all I want to of the trying to conceive thing. It has been several months now with no luck and every month it is like torture getting my hopes up only to be disappointed. I promised myself that I wouldn't let this get me stressed out but I am finding it hard not to be. I am a planner, so you would think this would be right up my alley, but TTC planning can be so tiring and stressful. I'm hoping that I will be able to force myself to chill out about it this summer. Until then, send some baby dust my way.
Posted by
3:32 PM